The following French video (with English subtitles) presents Visa pour l’image – Le film:
Bienvenue à Visa pour l’Image, le plus grand festival international de photojournalisme, qui a lieu tous les ans à Perpignan. Rendez-vous exceptionnel des amoureux de la photographie, le festival réunit des milliers de visiteurs autour d’une même passion. Vidéo réalisée par : Ludovic Garcia
Welcome to ‘Visa pour l’image‘ (Visa for the Image), the largest international photojournalism festival, which is held every year in Perpignan. As the exceptional event for lovers of photography, the festival brings together thousands of visitors around the same passion. Video made by: Ludovic Garcia

This is an update to the previous blog, Canon Female Photojournalist Award for Female Photojournalists of Any Age & Nationality: Submit Entries Before 22 May 2015.
- The winner will obtain the Award in Perpignan on the 5th of September 2015 to attend the evening projection of the 27th International Festival of Photojournalism « Visa pour l’Image-Perpignan », where she will be presented with the Award by representatives of Canon.
- Also, the winner will receive the 8 000 euros at Visa pour l’Image in Perpignan in September.
Visa pour l’Image: International Festival of Photojournalism
FREE Admissions
August 29 to September 13, 2015
Perpignan, France
Exhibition Admission FREE of charge, every day from 10am to 8pm, August 29 to September 13
Education week from September 14 to 18: The exhibitions remain open for school groups (by appointment)
Screenings from August 31 to September 5
Professional Week from August 31 to September 6
Simultaneous Translation Guaranteed @ The Palais des Congrès
Location finder of all the exhibitions, screenings
and key addresses at
Visa pour l’Image is the premier International Festival of Photojournalism held in Perpignan, France.

The key highlights of the festival are as follows.
View the greatest photojournalist work from around the world in Exhibitions across the city.
- Exhibitions present stories or anthologies of a photographer’s work, reporting on wars, nature, the environment, people, religious issues, and social phenomena, plus the “great scourges of our time.”
- An exhibition of the work of the Canon Female Photojournalist Award 2014 winner – French photojournalist Viviane Dalles (Signatures) – at – showing images from her project on teenage mothers in the North of France will feature as part of the exhibition programme of the 2015 Visa pour l’Image festival.

During Professional Week, take part in symposiums and conferences and meet the foremost photo agencies and manufacturers of photographic related equipment.
- Perpignan is the place where thousands of professional photojournalists are offered an opportunity to meet with their peers, talk about their work, discuss their problems, debating issues involved in producing and using pictures and the future of the profession.
- The symposium and “meet the photographer” sessions cover a wide range of questions.
- ELLE Round Table Discussion
- The panel discussion will be moderated by Françoise-Marie Santucci, Editor of ELLE magazine, and Caroline Laurent-Simon, feature reporter with ELLE.
- List of participants to be confirmed.
- Friday, September 4, 5pm. Charles Trenet Auditorium, Palais des Congrès.
- FREE entrance.
- Meet the Photographers
- Monday, August 31 to Saturday, September 5
- The meetings, every morning from Monday through to Saturday, are open to both professionals and the general public, and are held in the Charles Trenet auditorium.
- The program for the meetings will be published on the Website: .
- ELLE Round Table Discussion

Experience the evening Screenings in the dramatic open air medieval enclosure of the Campo Santo.
- Campo Santo is the venue for the evening screenings.
- The Visa pour l’Image evening shows will cover the main events of the past year, from September 2014 to August 2015.
- Every evening, from Monday to Saturday, the program will begin with a chronological review of these news stories, two months at a time.
- This is followed by reports and features on society, wars, stories that have made the news and others that have been kept quiet, plus coverage of the state of the world today.
- Visa pour l’Image also presents retrospectives of major events and figures in history.
- The Visa pour l’Image award ceremonies are held during the evening programs. For the Visa d’or awards for news reporting and feature reporting, and the City of Perpignan Rémi Ochlik award, picture editors select a shortlist from all reports seen over the past year (both published and unpublished), choosing four nominees per category. A second jury meets in Perpignan to choose the winners for each Visa d’or award (News, Feature and Daily Press).
- Screenings will happen from Monday, August 31 to Saturday, September 5, 9.45pm at Campo Santo.
- And from Thursday September 3 to Saturday September 5: simultaneous screening on the Place de la République.
- In the event of bad weather, there will be no alternative venue.
- Please click here for the list of screenings that will be featured in the 2015 Festival program (subject to change).

Palais des Congrès
- The Palais des Congrès is the festival headquarters and the meeting point for collecting badges, press kits and information.
- Just click on the interactive map of the city of Perpignan to go to the location finder of all the exhibitions, screenings and key addresses for this year’s Visa pour l’Image at
- 2e Bureau and Images Evidence will be based at the Palais des Congrès – Maison du Festival.
- Free-lance photographers can show their portfolios in the area of the Association Nationale des Iconographes, from 10am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm, from Monday, August 31 to Saturday, September 5.
- Canon, Visa pour l’Image’s main partner, is on the ground floor of the Palais des Congrès.

Press Center
- Press agencies and photographers’ collectives from around the world have booths and desks on the second floor. Tuesday, September 1 to Saturday, September 5.
La Librairie éphémère Bookshop, the official bookshop of the festival Open 10am to 8pm, August 29 to September 13, 2015. Book signings during the pro-week (September 3 to September 5) (see daily agenda).
- Librairie éphémère book signing from Thursday, September 3, to Saturday September 5, in the courtyard at La Poudrière where a number of photographers will be signing their books.
- In case you’re interested in having your books sold at the Librairie éphémère bookshop, please contact Corinne Duchemin –; +
Institut Jean Vigo
- The Web Documentary venue.
- Open Saturday, August 29, to Sunday, September 6, 2015, 10am to 8pm.
Please click here for more info about the festival.
Enjoy! / Amusez vous bien!
Visa pour l’Image 2015 exhibitions
First details have been announced of the exhibition and screening schedule for the 27th Visa pour l’Image international festival of photojournalism – taking place in Perpignan, France, from 29 August to 13 September 2015.
Each year, many of the world’s best photographers head to Perpignan for the annual celebration of photojournalism that is Visa pour l’Image, an event that is held within the city’s finest churches and buildings.
Commenting on the programme for this year’s festival, Visa pour l’Image founder and director, Jean-François Leroy said: “When you look at the wealth of photography we have for the 2015 festival, when you look at what’s coming onto the market, when you look at the new names appearing, with new talent and more energy, when you wander around Perpignan in September, you realise that photojournalism is certainly not going to disappear. That’s good news.”
What to see and watch
As is traditional, the nightly screenings – held within the spectacular grounds of Le Campo Santo – will start with a review of the major news events from September 2014 to August 2015. Each evening, from Monday 31 August until Saturday 5 September, the screenings will begin with a review of the year showing how photographers covered key world events. This is followed by reports and features on society, conflict and stories that have made the news – and others that have been kept quiet – plus coverage of the state of the world we live in today.
Visa pour l’Image also presents retrospectives of major events and figures in history and this year tributes are being given to the magazine and staff of Charlie Hebdo – the French satirical weekly magazine that was victim of a terrorist attack in January 2015, in which 12 people were killed and 11 wounded.
A review of war zones and the communities living in them are also profiled this year, including: Syria and Iraq, the Kurds, the Yazidi people, Eastern Christians, Yemen, Libya, Daesh and ISIL. The screenings will also focus on Ukraine, the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the liberation of World War Two concentration camps in 1945.
The deadly Ebola epidemic in Africa will also be remembered in pictures while the TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) News Agency – which celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2015 – will be profiled.
Other celebrations include the 70th anniversary of ELLE magazine, plus a look at climate change, the environment plus how Europe is dealing with immigration. The Visa pour l’Image award ceremonies are held during these evening programs.
The evening screenings are also the scene for the awards ceremonies, with over €133,000 in prizes being awarded during the professional week.
Exhibitions at-a-glance
Visitors to this year’s Visa pour l’Image festival will be able to examine at close hand the work of many notable photographers in some of the most stunning gallery spaces. This year the exhibitors include:
- Mohamed Abdiwahab (AFP) – Somalia
- Lynsey Addario (Reportage by Getty Images) – Syrian Refugees in the Middle East
- Daniel Berehulak (Reportage by Getty Images) – The Ebola Epidemic
- Marcus Bleasdale (Human Rights Watch/National Geographic Magazine) – The Unraveling… Central African Republic
- Nancy Borowick – Cancer Family, Ongoing
- Alejandro Cegarra (Reportage by Getty Images) – Living with the Legacy of Hugo Chavez
- Viviane Dalles (Canon Female Photojournalist Award 2014 supported by ELLE magazine) – Teenage Mothers
- Manoocher Deghati – Facing Reality (career retrospective)
- Bülent Kiliç (AFP) – From Kiev to Kobani?
- Andres Kudacki (The Associated Press) – Spain’s Housing Crisis
- Gerd Ludwig (National Geographic) – Nuclear Tourism
- Pascal Maitre (Cosmos/National Geographic Magazine) – The Congo River: exploring a legend
- Giulio Piscitelli (Contrasto/Réa) – From There to Here: immigration and Fortress Europe
- Sergey Ponomarev (for The New York Times) – Assad’s Syria
- Adrienne Surprenant (Hans Lucas) – The Future Nicaragua Canal
- Arnaud Baumann (Sipa Press) and Xavier Lambours (Signatures) – Inside Hara-Kiri; The Founding Fathers of Charlie Hebdo
Networking and connecting
Thousands of imaging professionals from the photography industry descend on Perpignan during the event’s professional week, which this year takes place from 31 August until 6 September.
In 2014, over 200,000 people visited the exhibitions and evening screenings, which is a staggering amount. Many of the world’s biggest photo agencies will be at the festival, welcoming portfolio submissions and providing photographers with opportunities to talk to agency staff and have their work expertly reviewed and critiqued.
Canon will once again be at the festival headquarters at the Palais des Congrès in Perpignan. Showcasing cameras, camcorders, printers, lenses and dealing with pro queries as well as offering registered CPS members a clean and check service, the Canon Space will be located on the ground floor as in previous years. More details of new and exciting Canon activities for this year’s event will be published closer to the start of the festival.
Underlining Visa pour l’Image’s continued relevance and strength in a world of change, Jean-François Leroy said: “The world is on the move, so it’s time for photojournalism to move too. We are allegedly the protectors of an old-fashioned, narrow-minded vision of photojournalism. That’s quite a charge! Such scathing criticism neither concerns us nor upsets us. Au contraire! We see these comments as expressions of encouragement, bolstering our belief in a vision of photojournalism which we have been advocating, in no uncertain terms, over the last 27 festivals.”
To find out more about the latest updates and plans for the 27th Visa pour l’Image international festival of photojournalism, just visit the Visa pour l’Image website. Keep visiting CPN over the coming weeks for more details of Canon’s planned activities!
The following video presents Canon Professional Services:
Canon Professional Services (CPS) provides exceptional support for full-time imaging professionals. CPS members receive exclusive 24/7 phone and e-mail support, expedited and discounted equipment maintenance and repairs, Equipment Evaluation Loans, on-site support at select events and shows, discounts on select Canon Live Learning seminars and workshops, and more.