Press Releases

Olympus Canada + Toronto Police + Henry’s: 2013 Gun Amnesty “Pixels for Pistols” Program June 3-17-30, 2013

Pixels for Pistols kicks off today, June 3, 2013, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada:

  • The Toronto Police Service, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and the City of Toronto are  partnering with Olympus Canada and Henry’s to present the Pixels for Pistols gun amnesty program
    • Pixels for Pistols program will result in the safe recovery and disposal of firearms by the Toronto Police Service

    • As an incentive for citizens who surrender operational firearms for disposal, Henry’s and Olympus Canada will provide the following Firearm Exchange Incentive package:

      1. an Olympus VG-160 Digital point and shoot camera
      2. and a Henry’s School of Imaging gift card: $75

      Total Retail Value $175.00

  • This project has been made possible by a grant from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

The following video presents “Police ‘Pixels for Pistols’ pick-up” in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada:

  • Watch the Winnipeg Police carry out a gun pick-up as part of their Pixels for Pistols program on November 9, 2012

Beginning June 3, 2013, for a two week period, take advantage of the Pixels for Pistols program, that allows you to safely surrender an operational firearm(s) in exchange for an Olympus VG-160 digital camera from Henry’s.

Please note:

  • Firearms CANNOT be brought into any police facility
  • Firearms CANNOT be exchanged at any Henry’s location
  • The gun amnesty is available to residents of Toronto only

     June 3 to
    June 17 to
    June 30, 2013

For more information, please contact Staff Sergeant Chris Boddy, Toronto Police Service by:

  • Phone: 416-808-8079
  • Email:

Please click here for more info about the Pixels for Pistols program (pdf).


Monday, June 3, 2013

Media Advisory
Monday, June 3, 2013, 10 a.m.,
Headquarters, media gallery,
Launch of 2013 Gun Amnesty “Pixels for Pistols”

On Monday, June 3, 2013, at 10 a.m., in the media gallery, Chief William Blair will launch the 2013 Gun Amnesty “Pixels for Pistols” program.

Guest speakers will include Chief Blair, Ian Landy of Henry’s Camera; Rick Sasserath, Technical Specialist, PR for Olympus Canada; and Councillor Jaye Robinson for the City of Toronto.

The Toronto Police Service, in partnership with Henry’s Camera, Olympus Canada, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, has created an opportunity for Torontonians to surrender firearms to the Toronto Police Service and receive an incentive gift from Henry’s and Olympus for doing so.

The Toronto Police Service believes that every gun taken off the street is one less gun that can be put into the hands of a criminal.

The 2013 Gun Amnesty will provide an opportunity for citizens to become involved and contribute to the safety of our city.

“We are thrilled that Pixels for Pistols has been embraced in cities across Canada since its launch in 2008, and look forward to a second very successful camera−for−guns amnesty in Toronto,” said Ian Landy, President and CEO of Henry’s.

“Olympus is proud to partner with the Toronto Police Service and Henry’s to bring awareness to Pixels for Pistols. We are confident that our camera donation will not only help support a safer Toronto community, but educate local residents about this unique program as well as the joys of photography,” said Stephanie Sherry, Director of Marketing Communications for Olympus.

“Taking guns off Ontario’s streets helps us keep our province safe, and one of the best ways to do that is to engage with people at the community level and offer them alternatives to a life of crime. This is an innovative program run by the Toronto Police Service and their private partners, and we are proud to support it,” said Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of CommunitySafety and Correctional Services.

“I encourage everyone to please tell your family, friends, neighbours and co−workers about this very important community safety initiative,” said Councillor Jaye Robinson (Ward 25 Don Valley West), Chair of Toronto’s Community Development and Recreation Committee. “Together, we can help to reduce violent crime in our communities.”

“The Toronto Police Service has partnered with Henry’s and Olympus Canada for Pistols for Pixels, a unique cameras−for−guns exchange program. This worthwhile crime prevention initiative provides an opportunity for the community to get involved in preventing crime. Public safety is a shared responsibility between the police and the community. We must work together to get guns off of our streets and to keep Toronto safe,” said Chief William Blair.

If you are in possession of a firearm that you wish to surrender, you have the ability to complete a portion of a police report prior to the officer’s arrival at your home. Simply fill out the information on the form by clicking here and upon completion, click on “Continue” located at the bottom of the screen. The report, with the information you entered, will appear. You can then print the report and provide it to the police officer(s).

If you have questions in regards to completing the form, or about the Pixels for Pistols initiative in general, please contact Staff Sergeant Chris Boddy at