Magnum Photos @ ScotiaBank CONTACT Photography Festival
A Photobook Masterclass in Toronto
Book Making: May 22 – 24, 10am – 5pm
Magnum Lectures: May 22 – 24, 7pm
Shopify – 80 Spadina Ave, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 22: Michael Christopher Brown
May 23: Mark Power
May 24: Larry Towell
Magnum Photos will provide a three-day Magnum Masterclass led by acclaimed contemporary photographers Michael Christopher Brown, Mark Power, and Larry Towell, in conjunction with the ScotiaBank CONTACT Photography Festival.
For over sixty years, Magnum’s international photographers have chronicled the world; interpreting its environment, people and events and helping to shape documentary photography as a modern form of artistic expression. In the tradition of Magnum’s commitment to emerging photographers, this Masterclass will give limited participants an opportunity to refine their photographic practice and editing skills with a sense of authorship under the guidance of Magnum photographers.
The Magnum Masterclass at CONTACT 2015 will be focused on book editing.
- It is a 3 day event aimed at photographers with completed bodies of work, who require advice on honing editing skills, final image selections, and layout.
- Photographers have an opportunity to edit and produce book dummys of finished bodies of work, under the guidance of experienced published Magnum photographers.
- Participants will be asked to bring printed versions of their project, book dummies, as well as additional images or ephemera from the project that they will be working on.
- There will be no more than 15 students per group.
- Each participant will be given a choice of mentor for the masterclass upon registration, and all efforts will be made to place participants with their first choices.
- The program will incorporate the following elements:
- Nightly presentations from Magnum photographers on their own book projects
- Individual and group critiques and editing sessions
- Book layout and sequencing
- Informal group meetings with the other groups and instructors
The tuition for this Three-Day Masterclass is $750 USD and includes continental breakfast and snacks.
- The tuition does not cover any transportation to and from Toronto, lodgings, or on the ground travel expenses.
- A computer will be available in each class and small-scale printing will also be available.
- Please click here to register.
For more information, please contact workshops@magnumphotos.com.
Nikon Scholarships to Attend the Magnum Masterclass Workshop Toronto ($750)
CONTACT and Magnum Photos announced the return of the student scholarships in partnership with Nikon Canada.
- Three Nikon Scholarships to attend the Magnum Workshop Toronto ($750) will be awarded to Canadian photography students enrolled in an educational institution within Canada or abroad.
- For details visit: scotiabankcontactphoto.com/Magnum-workshop .
Nikon Canada will be awarding three tuition-only scholarships to Canadian university or college students to attend the masterclass.
- A Magnum and CONTACT jury will select qualified applicants based on the merit of their work and their artist statement.
- Proof of enrollment for the Spring 2015 semester, a letter of recommendation from a professor or photography industry professional, images from a book project in progress and an artist statement are required.
- Fully completed applications must be received by April 30, 2015 by 6 PM Easter Standard Time.
- Scholarship recipients will be notified by May 8, 2015.
Application requirements also include:
- Personal and Artistic Statement about your project.
- An upload of eight images as samples of your work. Files must be in JPEG format and no larger than 200k.
Apply for the Nikon Scholarship at https://magnumphotos.wufoo.com/forms/nikon-scholarship-for-magnum-masterclass/