The following video presents Between Worlds Trailer v1:
The “Between Worlds Project” is a collaborative artistic endeavor combining Earth, Sea and Sky in a series of dramatic black and white photographic works.
Helen K. Garber “Undulations” Exhibition: July 16 – August 31
Henthorne “Between Worlds” Exhibition: July 16 – August 31, 2015
Opening Reception for Both Exhibitions – Thursday, July 16 (6pm- 9pm)
Leica Gallery Los Angeles
8783 Beverly Blvd,
West Hollywood CA 90048, USA
(424) 777-0341
Store Hours:
Monday through Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 12pm – 5pm
The following video presents Stinson South Time Lapse Vimeo Henthorne:
A rough edit timelapse from the “Between Worlds’ project.
Between Worlds is the latest series of images being released from artist/explorer Henthorne. A four month long project on the wild cliffs of northern California that captures the collaboration of Henthorne’s black and white epic exposure Waterscapes combined with the Earthscapes of artist Andres Amador.
Between Worlds is a visual journey where earth, sea and sky unite. Balancing between minimalism and abstraction, this series captures a new intersection of ocean and earth – blending it and in some instances nearly obscuring it. Water, clouds and shorelines are key elements comprising his large-format prints. Henthorne strives to create an experience that lures the viewer deep into his images, over and over, inviting limitless contemplation.
As you experience this evocative series, Henthorne invites you to stand at the intersection – and then to move beyond it – to a place where the ephemeral meets the ethereal. Between Worlds.
You can view Henthorne’s black and white images at .

With this body of work, I turn my back on the city and aim my camera towards the wilderness of Santa Monica Bay. I depart my studio when I see exceptional light, cross the human traffic and clutter of Ocean Front Walk and move through the sand to the surging surf and migrating birds.
The bay is spectacular from wherever it is viewed, but the experience becomes fuller the closer you get to the water. You hear a surreal quiet when you reach the halfway point in the sand between the tourists and the shoreline. The sound level shifts again as you approach the waterline – waves crashing and birds screaming gradually overwhelm echoes from the city behind you.
The sensual rhythms of undulating water have mesmerized me for the thirty-three years I have lived in Santa Monica. The lush femininity of the bay draws me in, enveloping me with sensual pleasure. My senses are delighted with the visual beauty and full complement of sound. I love feeling the warm sun and cool wind on my face while inhaling the unique aromas of sand and water. The reflection of the sky creates an ever-changing palette of dimension and color. The bay is my muse.
You can view Helen K. Garber’s images at .