Fun Stuff Videos

Can A Person’s Biography Be Pieced Together From His Facebook Entries?

A LIFE ON FACEBOOK from maxluere on Vimeo.

The story of a man told through the facebook’s interface.

It’s a fascinating thought, that in the future, all we need to know about someone will be right there in the pages of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, FourSquare, Flickr and Google. Like Alex Droner in the video above, we’ll know his thoughts, what he searches for, where he eats, what he likes, who his friends are, how his interests evolve through the years, who he loves, hates, what presses his buttons, gets him upset, touches his heart, where he travels, the people he meets, the schools he attends, his parents, relatives, likes, dislikes, idiosyncracies,… who he is. Or, was. And we’ll be able to do that for every single one of you who is tweeting, writing on your virtual walls, posting pictures,…

Someone will write a software that will collect from the Internet every scrap of information about you and paint a portrait of you that even you might be surprised at seeing. Maybe even create an avatar of you in virtual space imbued with your likes, dislikes, and emotions. Careful now, for we are stepping into the world of Caprica and the cylons.