If you happen to be in Bradford, UK, anytime between now and September 4, 2011, do visit the “The Lives of Great Photographers” exhibit at the National Media Museum. This exhibit showcases the work of early photographers who helped establish the photography industry during the 19th and 20th centuries.
From photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot, Julia Margaret Cameron and Eadweard Muybridge to Tony Ray-Jones and Weegee, this exhibition highlights some of the most famous and memorable images ever produced. It illuminates the extraordinary and sometimes exceptional lives these photographers led.
The Lives of Great Photographers is a compelling new exhibition drawn exclusively from the Museum’s extensive and diverse Photography Collection, including works from The Royal Photographic Society Collection and the Daily Herald Archive. Together this exhibition presents a selection of photographs by some of the greatest photographers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Dates: 15th April – 4th September, 2011
Gallery One, National Media Museum
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom BD1 1NQ
Time: 10.00 – 18.00
Location: Gallery One
Cost: FREE
Website: http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/
Phone: 0870 701 0200
Read more about the exhibit at: National Media Museum.
View a selection of the images exhibited.
source WPO