National Geographic’s Earth Live was an unprecedented two-hour event that gave viewers an unfiltered, real-time broadcast feed to see Earth’s wildlife in various natural habitats with the use of 51 cameras...
This video presents “Teen wins in National Geographic contest.” A Paola 14-year-old girl placed first in the “Animals” category in the National Geographic International Photography Contest 2012...
Is feeding killer whales to lure them closer to your boat so you can film them ethical? A U.S. marine biologist did just that and was fined $12,500. Is it OK to pass off a tame wolf as a wild one to win a Natural...
This video presents “National Geographic Celebrates the Power of Photography.” National Geographic magazine marks its 125th anniversary with a special October 2013 issue devoted to celebrating the power of...
No, not the latest Apple Mac OS X, but a real-life elusive mountain lion known under the cryptic label P-22 and which prowls Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Photographer Steve Winter set up Nikon and Canon DSLRs, flash...
Hybrid photography (photography combining still, video and audio) is fast becoming the required skills of a photographer. This is brought out so much clearer in the August issue of National Geographic. While their print...