The folllowing video presents Bruce Davidson: A Lifetime with Leica: “Renowned photojournalist and Magnum photographer Bruce Davidson has been acclaimed for over half a century for his searing images of street...
The following video presents Sony World Photography Awards 2016: This is an update to the previous blog, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards: Entries to Be Submitted by 11:59:59pm (GMT) on 4 Dec. 2015 for Student Focus...
The following video presents 100 Years of Leica Photography | Euromaxx: An exhibition in Hamburg “Eyes Wide Open: 100 years of Leica photography” illuminates many aspects of small-format photography showing...
This video presents LFI insight: Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography. The video is in German with English subtitles. Fotografie Forum Frankfurt Presents Exhibition Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica...