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Forget Crop Circles. Sand Circles Are Most Beautiful Drawings You’ll Ever See — Until The Waves Wash Them Away

From jimdenevan1

Jim Denevan is a patient man, as are probably all artists (except those who simply throw paint against canvas, ha, ha). He makes works of art on sandy beaches, by hand, using a stick or leaf broom, with the latter sometimes tied and dragged behind his bicycle (or pickup truck). As the video shows, he walks, draws a circle, walks some more, draws another circle, and on and on until the drawing is complete. There must easily be about 100 circles in that drawing. Now if you’ve ever tried drawing a circle freehand, you know how difficut it can be to get it as perfectly round as possible.

He has to finish his sand drawings before the high tide comes in and washes them all away. Do you remember being upset when someone messed up your drawing in elementary school?

Visit our Featured Site: Jim Denevan.

via boredpanda

From zonk26

He’s also a chef:

From jjvalenti

From gerrior