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Avatar Technology For Under $150

From abertayTV

Researchers at the Abertay University in Scotland have developed technology that links a virtual camera to a motion-sensor. As you move the motion-sensor, the virtual camera responds, allowing completely intuitive, immediately responsive camera actions within any computer-generated world.

Sounds like the kind of ultra realistic 3D Avatar technology?

To understand why this is revolutionary, consider what was different with the technology James Cameron used:

James Cameron invented a new way of filming called Simul-cam, where the image recorded is processed in real-time before it reaches the director’s monitor screen. This allows actors in motion-capture suits to be instantly seen as the blue Na’vi characters, without days spent creating computer-generated images.

This is augmented reality at its finest.

Swap the actors with a motion-sensor and the Na’vi with the virtual camera — and you have the Motus project. Computer environments can be manipulated in the same way as a camera, opening new opportunities for games, and for education.

source PhysOrg