Fun Stuff Videos

A Wolf Loves Pork

Olympus has admitted that its 50th Anniversary of the PEN digital YouTube movie was inspired by one “dokugyunyu” who posted his “A Wolf Loves Pork” stop-motion film about one month earlier:

Some of the comments we have read here suggest that we should mention the creator of “A wolf loves pork”, Mr Takeuchi Taijin.
While we were looking for a way to realise a story describing “a journey through time” based on printed images, we were inspired by Mr Taijin’s brilliant work. For this reason we intentionally quoted his work in our little movie while showing full respect to his original idea. We didnt mention his name because we did not want to do so without his prior agreement.
However after considering some of the comments posted here we have decided to add credits to him and his work, which we obviously absolutely love.