The following video is titled Canon presents The Making of “The Rusted” : Behind the scenes footage of “The Rusted,” a psychological thriller written and directed by Kat Candler, starring Josh Hutcherson and Jena...
This is an update to these previous blogs: Canon “Project Imagination: The Trailer” Contest for USA and D.C.: Upload Your Movie Trailer Before 6 PM EST on April 29, 2015, and Canon “Project Imagination: The Trailer”...
This is an update to the previous blog, Canon “Project Imagination: The Trailer” Contest for USA and D.C.: Upload Your Movie Trailer Before 6 PM EST on April 29, 2015. Canon announced today that Kat Candler, a decorated...
Canon U.S.A. recently opened the Project Imagination: The Trailer contest for submissions. For the first time ever, your life can become a movie trailer that inspires a Hollywood film. Based on the concept that anything...