
What to Look For in a Photographer: A Model’s Perspective

As a photographer, you may know what to look for in a model. But are you the type of photographer that experienced models want to work for? Aimee J. Martin started modeling at the tender age of 11 and shares her rules of thumb how she choose who to model for: “When I found the best, I stuck with the best. I had suffered through complete failure shoots, and complete extraordinary and prodigious shoots.” And I like the bit of advice she leaves models with at the end.

Read the article at: Scott Wyden Imagery.

Read Don Giannatti’s rebuttal who seems to be telling models to put up and deal with the famous photographers who hit on them. We disagree. The world-is-a-changing and intolerable behavior from a photographer, artist, movie star, even president is not to be put up with anymore.



  • “who seems to be telling models to put up and deal with the famous photographers who hit on them. We disagree.”

    And you certainly have a right to. Except… that is not what I said.

    I stated a fact, you turned it into an opinion, or even worse, an approval. I do not approve of asshat photographers, but they are out there.

    Amateur models do not have to put up with amateur photographers who are asshats. Professional models do. We all do. We put up with asshats that grant us the ability to work in areas that cannot be done without them

    In the professional modeling world, there are professional agents, mua’s, stylists and photographers. Some of them will hit on the models. But i think models are strong enough to deal with it. They laugh it off or grumble or even argue. Nothing wrong with that.

    But telling models that they should never work with asshats is silly. Some asshats are shooting for Vogue and Elle and Cosmo. And I would love to be in an agents office when a model tells the agent she wont work with that asshat photographer cause he hit on her.

    Yeah… that will be an interesting discussion. She should be told to grow up. Deal with it like ALL the other models do who have obviously shot for the guy.

    No, I am not condoning the behavior, I am trying to tell models that they are powerful and can deal with asshats and get their work done.

    I refuse to believe or expect models to behave as small, helpless lambs led to the slaughter by big tough mean asshat photographers. Bullshit. Models are smart and bright and gutsy.

  • Don,

    I agree with you. Sorry for the “opinion” and “approval” — and thanks for the clarification of where you stand on this.

    It’s a tough world out there and the modeling (and fashion) world is tough.

    Hopefully, people in the industry who are influential (photographers, models, agents) can bring about change. Discussing this issue openly is one way.


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