The following Italian video (with English subtitles) presents eMotion Project:
The aim of eMotion Project is to help hospitalized children to face recovery in a whole new way, bringing the light-heartedness typical of childhood back into their lives.
With the collaboration of Samsung Italia, the potential of Samsung Gear VR has been put at the disposal of the pediatric department of Santa Maria Goretti hospital in Latina, to offer little patients an unforgettable visit to “Movieland”, near Lake Garda.
The experience proved to be a valuable way of providing genuine emotional support, turning around not only the mood of the little patients, but also their whole approach to recovery.

Samsung Italia’s eMotion Project used the Samsung Gear VR to take little patients from the Santa Maria Goretti Hospital in Latina, a city near Rome, on a virtual trip to the Movieland amusement park.

The virtual adventure content was shot using 360-degree cameras at a variety of rides and attractions at Movieland and then edited for Gear VR.

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