Interviews Leica

Leica Interview with Peter Karbe @ Luminous Landscape

Luminous Landscape has published a 35 min. video interview with Leica’s head of optical development, Peter Karbe.

– The new lenses for the Leica S2 outresolve the sensor currently used in the S2, and will also outresolve the next generation sensor.
– A challenge to add auto focus to the lenses. No ultrasonic motor for the moment. Where there is a tradeoff between speed and durability, Leica leans toward durability.
– Weather sealing refers to windy rainy conditions. Personally tested it in -10 degrees Celsius Wintery conditions.
– Longest lens is 350mm.
– 120mm macro design based on APO 100, but contains floating element.
– Great bokeh in all lenses.